Our Services


Operational Due Diligence

Add-on Integration Assessment

Synergy Assessment 

Buy-and-Build Playbook

Integration Planning and Execution

Value-Creation Planning and Execution

Operating Model Assessment

Divestiture Planning and Execution

Reporting Package

Case Studies

Technology: Combination of Two SaaS Businesses


Synergy assessment and Integration Management Office (IMO) leadership with opportunity for 40% EBITDA improvement.

Financial Services: Carve-out and Integration


Assessment of a divestiture and integration with $15M in synergies.


TMT: Integration of Telco Managed Services Businesses


IMO leadership of integration planning, execution, and the development of future-state operating models, including the delivery of over $40M in synergies.

Industrial: Integration of Manufacturing Businesses


IMO leadership to develop post-close integration and $10M in synergy plans.


Technology: Integration of Software Businesses


IMO leadership on day one and post-close integration plans and synergy tracking of over $10M.

Telco: Merger Integration of Satellite Businesses


IMO leadership for integration planning, synergy plan development and execution of plans, including $15M+ in synergies.