Benefits of the Buy-and-Build Playbook


  • End-to-End Life Cycle: The playbook outlines vital activities and structures across the end-to-end deal life cycle.
  • Future-State Alignment: Support the efficient execution of the buy-and-build strategy.
  • Processes That Repeat: Have a repeatable set of processes and templates for every acquisition.
  • Team Training: Provide standardization and structure, primarily when multiple acquisitions exist.

How IPC Works with Your Teams


  • Get the Right Tools, Templates, etc.: Work with management teams and functional leaders to develop a standard set of checklists, tools, and templates to leverage for merger integration execution.
  • Secure Buy-in: Help gain buy-in and alignment from all stakeholders to a standard integration process and team structure.
  • Test and Update Processes: Deploy the playbook as a pilot on a merger integration project and update as necessary.